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We, YHP & Associates, protect and develop customers' valuable intellectual property rights and possibilities for the future with successful growth through the history of 49 years of know-how and professionalism.

법률 도서
친절한 법률 상담소
비즈니스 미팅

Patent · Trademark ·
Design · Copyright
Application and Registration

proven experiences and
qualified careers

Intellectual Property
Infringement Consulting

​ with the best experts
to protect and
firm your rights

​Intellectual Property 
Judgement & Litigation

With the richest experiences

in South Korea

FreeTo Operate (FTO) Consulting

48 years of the history of industry-wide strategy and know-how for patent search
and infringement prevention

※ YHP & Associates are strictly following the rules of the Attorney Law Act and the Patent Attorney Law Act.

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